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  • Course Description: Human Geography leads students through a critical analysis of the human experience to understand how the world works today: Where do people live in the world? How does the quality of life differ from place to place?  Where does your next meal come from? How does your food get from farms to your table? How are women treated around the world? Why are cities set up the way they are?​ How did we get ~190 countries?

    This course will gives students new lenses by which to view the world, through its 8 units: The Tools of Geography, Economic Development & Gender, Population & Migration, Culture, Political Institutions, Agricultural Systems, Industrialization, Urbanization.

  • Credits: 1 Honors Credit. This course will take ~150-160 hours of work to complete, which will vary based on the student's reading speed.​

  • AP® Test Option: Honors Human Geography is built upon the curriculum of AP Human Geography. AP® Exams are standardized tests that allow students the opportunity to earn college credit. While not a requirement of the course, Mr. Grether has prepared over 500 students for the AP® Human Geography exam. Mr. Grether has served as a AP® Human Geography grader. By completing this course, students will have the foundation to be ready for the AP Human Geography Exam. In the course, there are optional AP Preparation activities, that allow students to learn the skills needed for the timed Free Response Questions (FRQs).​  Parents must use the College Board website or contact their local public schools for information about registering and taking the test. (Note: A passing score is not guaranteed).​​​​​

  • Who Should Take This Course? : Honors Human Geography is built for students who are transitioning to being "college ready." This course is ideal for students just before taking their first community college or university courses. 

    • Skills Students will need to begin: 9th-10th grade reading level. The ability to read 10-15 pages of non-fiction text. The ability to write 1-3 pages.​
    • Skills Students will Gain from the Course: Advanced non-fiction reading, beginner to intermediate research skills, data gathering and analysis, map analyzing skills, 
  • Materials: All lessons (readings, videos, activities) are delivered online and are provided with the course.​

    • Required Technology: A device with internet access. Laptop is preferred, but tablets work with the course as well. Either a 3 subject notebook or Google Drive for recording work.​

SELF: AP/Honors Human Geography (Full Year)

$85.00 Regular Price
$60.00Sale Price

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